dead pixels: where feelings go to die
Came across the promise again to write every day in the habit tracker. Clicked the button in my toolbar that brings me here. It's a button there. It's a button I, obviously, never use. A button to a dead site and a world that died long before it got the chance. Things that once meant everything to me, seem so far away I hardly see them. There are people still in my life from those times, but there are others whom I hardly think about and when I do, there is honestly not much I can clearly remember save a sense of presence and a few stray crystal moments. So much of me has changed, even as I discover things every day that have stayed the same that I don't even see. I have been a million people over the course of time and yet there is this core of who I am who seems to permeate my surroundings. It startles me sometimes when I see it there. It's like the jolt of your own reflection when you don't know who you are.
1:12 PM - 06.11.2016